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About Us

Always looking for innovation

We believe and have confidence in change today. Tomorrow. In months or years, we have the vision of lives having their lives completely changed — and on the initiative of each young person who, together with us, will experience new experiences: unimaginable and unforgettable.


    Transform Education is a non-governmental organization, in order to give opportunities to the new generation of young Brazilians focusing on students from 6th to 3rd grade year of the EM, with the objective of being a reference for the construction of a future and a better country. Through our various activities — such as MUN's, summers, workshops, bootcamps and mentorships about the Olympics, languages, studying abroad and much more — we aim to democratize access to education in Brazil and in the world and enhance the innumerable abilities of each individual.

Nossas Co-fundadoras


Inês Sofia

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Atualmente sou estudante de Direito na Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa (FDUL). Antes de ingressar na universidade, concluí o Curso Técnico de Gestão vocacional na Magestil.


Jéssica Mendes

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Seu principal objetivo é ser uma inspiração para muitos jovens no Brasil e no mundo na área da educação.


Geovana Sampaio

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Aprovada na Harvard MUN, Yale MUN, MITMUNC, NAIMUN e WIMUN, Co-fundadora de Duas ONG's, Venci o Prêmio Nacional Mude o Mundo como uma Menina

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