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To educate. To transform.

Transform Education offers a dominant way to build a new future.

opportunity and plurality

Methodology and collaboration

Excellence in performance

With the right education, great things happen.

Transform Education is a non-governmental organization, in order to provide opportunities to the new generation of young Brazilians, focusing on students from the 6th to the 3rd year of EM, with the objective of being a reference for building a future and a better planet. Through our various activities — such as MUN's, summers, workshops, bootcamps and mentorships about the Olympics, languages, studying abroad and much more — we aim to democratize access to education in Brazil and in the world and enhance the innumerable abilities of each individual.

what we offer

Access to quality education is a fundamental human right, allowing the development of the individual through teaching, learning and knowledge, and contributing to the transformation of the family, school and social environment, aiming at the humanitarian good. Investment in this area is not only necessary, but urgent, and in the Brazilian scenario, this importance expands. Therefore, this is our purpose: to intensify, enhance and encourage progress in the lives of young people do giftof our country — of our world.

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Workshops and mentoring

Unique and practical methodologies, with attention to learning and exchanging ideas, aiming to stimulate the evolution of the individual who absorbs them.

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summers and bootcamps

Short or medium-term immersive training programs and training, focused on development and deepening in several areas.

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knowledge olympics

Tests of areas of knowledge, aiming to promote a competition, with participation certifications and honorable mentions.

For protagonists, by protagonists

Our satisfaction is knowing that we can demonstrate an effective, contemporary, objective and dominant approach. For all thinking human beings, we want to evolve the interpersonal: involve the possible and the impossible.

complete tools

Integrated team

freedom of ideas

Our motivation is Brazil and the world

​ We always have a choice, and our choice is to create our own luck. What moves us are the people, the minds that can develop to change the world and achieve more and more.

What our young people say

Maria Eduarda Caetano

Participei do melhor evento sobre educação aqui. Um trabalho realmente do Transform Education.

Nicolle Líbero

Vocês fazem as escolhas perfeitas para nos inspirarem. Com certeza, aprendi muito com os eventos que participei, estão de parabéns!

Anna Beatriz

Vocês fornecem um conteúdo que ajuda a abrir os nossos horizontes. Muito obrigada pelo trabalho incrível.

Explore our options and ideas

Our information, news, tips and events are constantly posted on our official Instagram profile. So, follow us and be on top of everything that makes up our universe.

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Get ready to boost your evolution with us

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